
Welcome to The B612 Bulletin.

Each week I will provide 1 question for you to ponder, 2 insights from others, and a deeper dive into some of my thinking on worldly wisdom I've found in my life and through chasing my curiosity. All delivered to you in 6 minutes or less.

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Unveiling the Meaning of Life With Alan Watts

Unveiling the Meaning of Life With Alan Watts Further Exploration Here Welcome to The B612 Bulletin, where each week I will provide 1 question for you to ponder, 2 insights from others, and a deeper dive into some of my thinking on worldly wisdom I've found in my life and through chasing my curiosity. All delivered to you in 6 minutes or less. The mind of the conscious being is a blessing and a curse. Consciousness allows for ingenuity, creativity, and great insight. It also enables us to be...

14 Lessons on Money, Investing, and Wealth from Morgan Housel Further Exploration Here Welcome to The B612 Bulletin, where each week I will provide 1 question for you to ponder, 2 insights from others, and a deeper dive into some of my thinking on worldly wisdom I've found in my life and through chasing my curiosity. All delivered to you in 6 minutes or less. A Quick Announcement: Before this week's newsletter, I just wanted to make a quick announcement. As you can see, I'm experimenting with...

11 Rules for Becoming A Better Reader in 2024 Read Online and Uncover More Welcome to A Cultivated Life, a weekly newsletter where I explore my curiosity through philosophy, science, history & more to share insights and discoveries in the search for meaning and purpose in life. Reading is one of the easiest, cheapest, and most available methods for anyone and everyone to improve their lot in life. Reading is a start, but it’s even more helpful when we can read effectively. We need to learn...

One Question to Realign Your Life Read Online and Uncover More Welcome to A Cultivated Life, a weekly newsletter where I explore my curiosity through philosophy, science, history & more to share insights and discoveries in the search for meaning and purpose in life. Tom Felton was a megastar at a very young age. Right next to the likes of Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint. Tom Felton played the character Draco Malfoy in the original adaptations of the Harry Potter films. Films...

Exploring the Half-Known Life and Finding Paradise In the age of social media, we have blurred the lines of reality and expectations. Creating idyllic lives for ourselves online, and seeing others live their curated lives as well, leaving no room for the mundane, the ugly parts of life. The parts that make an existence meaningful. Instead, our feeds are littered with perfection, people who appear to be living in paradise all the time. In his book, The Half Known Life: In Search of Paradise,...

On Resolutions and Goals New Year, New Goals. Same story different year. How can we make this year different, by making our goals actually stick? We should try to be better this year than we were in the years past. We can always improve, no matter how good we are. No matter what age we are, there is something that we can do better. Some new personal goals we can set for ourselves. The issue with setting yearly goals is that they are all too often abandoned within days or weeks of beginning....

On Learning: 23 Things I Think I Think to Wrap 2023 The end of the year is always a time of reflection for me. A time when I allow myself time to perform my annual review. Evaluating the year gone by, looking forward to the year ahead, and determining the lessons learned and the next steps. One of the many lessons I’ve learned in my life is that the more I learn the less I know. When I was a teenager I was an overconfident, zealous young man who thought he had all the answers. The more I’ve...

On Reflection: The Annual Review Every so often I like to take time to reflect on my life. Figuring out where I’ve been, the actions that I’ve taken, and measuring my actions against the version of myself that I want to be. It’s too easy to get caught up in the fervor of the day-to-day. A few too many days go by and it’s easy to lose track of our original intentions. The best way to stay on track is to take time to reflect. Something that can be done as frequently as monthly, weekly, or even...

My 2023 Reading List This week's newsletter is a little different from the rest. As we near the end of 2023 I wanted to reflect on my favorite readings of the year. Reading has always been one of my favorite pastimes. I believe that so much can be gained from reading. Improved cognition, better attention span, greater depth of knowledge, enjoyment, and more. It is one of life’s cheapest and available methods for improving your status in life. With thousands of years of history, life lessons,...

On Creativity: The Childlike Brain, Forgetting the Shape of the Box, Doing Something Silly, & More A quick look at today We lose our creativity the more we learn the "proper" way to do things. Embracing a childlike brain will enable youthful creativity. Children go through life experiencing moments of pure joy due to their unconstrained modes of thinking, we can embrace the same. As we grow up, we learn how society functions, how to act as adults, and the proper ways to behave in any given...